Seniors Housing and Care M&A Volume Fell in Q1: 2017, According to Data from

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NORWALK, CT – April 12, 2017 – The dollar volume of publicly announced seniors housing and care acquisitions in the first quarter of 2017 plunged by 78% compared to the fourth quarter of 2016, falling to $1.4 billion. It also represented a drop of 45% from the first quarter of 2016, according to new acquisition data from The number of announced acquisitions in the first quarter declined by 22% from the fourth quarter of 2016, to 73 individual transactions, and was also 13% lower than the year-ago quarter in 2016. There is usually a drop-off in activity in the first quarter of the year after the usual heavy volume of year-end closings.

“The decline in activity represents a relatively new degree of caution in the market as buyers and their backers are showing a bit more concern over staffing, occupancy and reimbursement pressures,” stated Steve Monroe, Managing Editor of The SeniorCare Investor and Editor of The Senior Care Acquisition Report.  “In addition, some healthcare REITs have been doing more selling than buying, which has helped shape a different investment environment.” One major reason for the decline in total dollars spent has been the near absence of large transactions, which are usually those over $500 million. “That may change this year as there have been rumors of several deals at this high level, and much higher,” Monroe added.

All quarterly results are published in The Health Care M&A Report for all 13 sectors of health care, which is part of In addition, results of the seniors housing and care acquisition market are published annually in The Senior Care Acquisition Report, a comprehensive report with more than 250 pages of transaction details and valuation statistics. For information, or to order the report, call 800-248-1668.  Irving Levin Associates, Inc. was established in 1948 and has headquarters in Norwalk, Connecticut. The company publishes research reports and newsletters, and maintains databases on the healthcare and seniors housing markets.

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