April 2024 Quarterly Investor Call

Held April 18, 2024

            To access this recording, call us at 203-846-6800.

About the Investor Call

The SeniorCare Investor hosted an exclusive investor call on April 18th where editors Steve Monroe and Ben Swett discussed the current state of the M&A environment, the capital markets, and the operating world of senior care properties. The call covered the latest M&A and valuation statistics, commentary from other industry experts, an extensive Q&A period with the audience and with The SeniorCare Investor subscribers, and an overview of M&A statistics from 12 other healthcare sectors.


  • Introduction
  • M&A Statistics and Valuations (Presented by Ben Swett and Steve Monroe)
  • Transaction Case Studies:
    • Class-A Stabilized Seniors Housing
    • Large Portfolio Deal
    • Class-B/C Non-Stabilized Seniors Housing
    • Value-add SNF
  • Financing Solutions
  • Hypotheticals
  • Q&A Period
  • Health Care M&A Statistics


Ben Swett, Editor, The SeniorCare Investor (moderator)

Steve Monroe, Editor-at-Large, The SeniorCare Investor (co-moderator)

Ryan Maconachy, Vice Chairman of Healthcare and Alternative Real Estate Assets, Newmark

Matthew Alley, Managing Director, Senior Living Investment Brokerage

Alex Florea, Managing Director, Blueprint Healthcare Real Estate Advisors