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January 28, 2013 Issue:
Recent Health Care M&A Deals
Fourth Quarter M&A Results–
Same Story: More Deals, Fewer Dollars than 2011
Spotlight on: Biotechnology
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Recent Health Care M&A Deals
Devont Asset Management Limited
Shanghai Celgen Bio-Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
$48.5 million
Baxter International Inc.
Hemophilia Compound OBI-1
$50 million
Bregal Sagemount
Recondo Technology
$20 million
Watson Pharmaceuticals
Uteron Pharma SA
$150 million
Allergan, Inc.
MAP Pharmaceuticals
$958 million
NEW- The Health Care Services Acquisition Report, 19th Edition – Preorder Today!
Deals have been made. The 2013 Health Care Services Acquisition Report contains private deals in this market that are too small to make it into the financial press. Take advantage of our limited 2-for-1 offer – preorder The 2013 Health Care Services Acquisition Report by March 31st and receive The 2012 Health Care Services Acquisition Report FREE ($595 value)! Now that’s a recession resistant deal. Go to or call 800-248-1668 to preorder today!
Fourth Quarter M&A Results–
Same Story: More Deals, Fewer Dollars than 2011
As the days dwindled down in the fourth quarter of 2012, health care mergers and acquisitions piled up higher than they had in the same period of 2011. M&A dollar volume, however, was way off the pace of Q4:11, which was itself lower than Q4:10………Read more
AVAILABLE NOW – New Sector M&A Reports!
Our team of experts at The Health Care M&A Information Source has been working around the clock to bring you the inside scoop on the latest in the health care M&A market. Our newest M&A reports are loaded with crucial transaction information, current and historic, to help you make smart investment decisions in these health care sectors: Biotechnology; Home Health and Hospice; Hospital; Managed Care; Medical Device; Not-for-Profit Health Care; and Pharmaceutical.
Spotlight on: Biotechnology
Reykjavik, Iceland-based deCODE Genetics agreed to be acquired by Amgen, Inc. (NASDAQ: AMGN) in December 2012, for $415 million in cash. Its expertise in analyzing the link between the human genome and disease susceptibility complements Amgen’s own focus on the discovery, development and manufacture of human therapeutics. The acquisition will help Amgen avoid investing in less well-validated targets for its own research and trials…….Read more
Conference Calendar…Click here to see more