California Master Masons founded the Masonic Homes of California over 100 years ago to provide organized relief to those in need. Inspired by brotherly love, they built magnificent and sound buildings to last centuries and to shelter our fraternal family.
Today, in residential and community-based programs, the Masonic Homes care for seniors and children in the name of every Mason in California—past, present and future. Masonic Homes continually strive for excellence in all they do to ensure that their services are delivered in a manner befitting their founding ideals.
The brethren who had the foresight a century ago to dream of a Masonic Home truly “built wiser than they knew.” With the perspective of 100 years of service behind them, it is clear that their vision and the charitable spirit embodied in Freemasonry have combined to build a lasting and inspiring model of care that all California Masons can be proud to call their own.
Masonic Homes of California
1111 California St
San Francisco, CA 94108-2252
Phone: 415-776-7000