Moore Diversified Services, Inc. (MDS) is a leader in conducting broad-based consulting, market research and market feasibility studies in the seniors housing and health care industries.  Founded in 1971, MDS, with its experienced, permanent staff, has specific expertise in market feasibility studies, financial pro forma analysis, investment advisory services, consumer and industry survey, innovative videotaped focus groups, and business venture analysis.  Each year MDS conducts hundreds of studies for proprietary and not-for-profit clients across the United States.
MDS has also conducted major engagements internationally in Mexico, Japan, Canada, France, Australia and the United Kingdom.  In addition to its significant industry experience derived from its consulting proprietary client research, MDS invests heavily in internal research and development, staying on the leading edge of ever-changing marketplace trends.

Moore Diversified Services, Inc.
3001 Halloran Street
Fort Worth, TX  76107
Phone: 817-731-4266
Fax: 817-738-2031
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