Featured Articles From Irving Levin Associates


The SeniorCare Investor…

Assisted Living and Skilled Nursing Soar –
New Record Prices For ALFs, Close To Record For SNFs
After 2011, when the M&A market news revolved around all the large REIT deals, it would have been hard to believe that the market could be as strong, or stronger, in 2012..Read more

The Health Care M&A Information Source…

The Market for Medical Groups –
Is It 1997 All Over Again?
Physician medical groups are back on the mergers and acquisitions radar. Last year, 68 acquisitions of doctors’ practices were made public, the most prominent being the $4.2 billion takeover of HealthCare Partners by DaVita, Inc. (NYSE: DVA) in May…..Read more

Senior Living Business…

Acute Care And Post-Acute Care Integration: What Does It Mean For You?
As of January 3, 2013, the Affordable Care Act requires doctors, hospitals, and other health-care providers—including long-term care facilities—to coordinate care provided to Medicare patients through Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs). In return, incentives reward ACOs based on their lowering the cost of providing health-care services and meeting benchmark levels for quality care…….Read more


Steve’s Senior Care Blog…
60 Seconds with Steve Monroe
March 19, 2013. Interest rates are down and cap rates are not, which means that risk is appropriately priced…Read more 

The Dealmakers Forum E-Newsletter…
This Week’s Senior Care Deals & News… Read the March 20, 2013 Issue

1. Seniors Housing Weekly Update: 60 Seconds with Steve Monroe
2. Recent Senior Care M&A Deals

3. Deal of the Week: LCB Senior Living

4. Assisted Living Concepts

5. Stock of the Week: Emeritus

6. New Capital for Two REITs

7. Webcast Calendar


Health Care Deal News E-Newsletter…
Brought to you by www.DealSearchOnline.com… Read the March 25, 2013 Issue
1. Recent Health Care M&A Deals
2. Service Deal of the Week
3. Charted Territory
4. Technology Deal of the Week
5. In the Pipeline
6. Webcast Calendar