Stephen M. Monroe, Editor
 Fax: 203-846-8300

NORWALK, CT – March 7, 2012– Senior Living Business Interactive will be hosting an invaluable online conference on maintaining and obtaining credit ratings for seniors housing professionals on Thursday, March 22nd.  Many senior living professionals know that maintaining and obtaining a credit rating is important, but there are specific, surprising ways in which the value of a credit rating can change. What are the key rating drivers? Who gets ratings, what are the requirements, and what do they actually determine?  What communications strategies between the organization and the rating agencies are particularly helpful in obtaining or maintaining a rating? At this online conference, attendees will learn crucial information about the true value of a credit rating in seniors housing. A panel of senior living industry insiders will examine factors that contribute to credit ratings and teach seniors housing professionals the best strategic approaches to optimize their credit rating.
The moderator of the conference, Nick Gesue, Chief Credit Officer, Lancaster Pollard, will pose topical questions including: What factors can contribute to a downgrade? How do higher capital costs affect rated vs. non-rated organizations? How do these challenges affect rated vs. non-rated organizations differently – or do they? Should we expect more downgrades than upgrades in this sector? What constitutes a credit positive? Why should a CCRC seek a credit agency rating? What security levels are required?
Our hand-selected panel of seniors living experts will address these issues and answer any pressing questions the audience chooses to submit, they include: Gerald T. Grant, Executive Vice President and CFO, ACTS Retirement-Life Communities, Stephen Infranco, Director, Public Finance, Standard & Poor’s,  and Gary Sokolow, Director, Public Finance Healthcare Group, Fitch Ratings.
The editor of Senior Living Business Interactive, Jane E. Zarem, invites you to take part in this must-see online conference. All participants will be able to ask the expert panel any questions they may have about maintaining and obtaining credit ratings.  Becoming familiar with how rating agencies rate bond issues, and how lenders respond to those ratings, will help providers obtain the highest possible rating and lowest cost of capital for their projects.  What is your outlook for 2012? What is the rationale for that outlook? The expert panel will be on hand to help.
This online conference, hosted by Senior Living Business Interactive, is expected to generate a stimulating discussion.  If you’re interested in CCRCs, credit ratings, senior living business strategies, or investing in the senior living industry, you won’t want to miss this crucial online conference entitled, ‘Make or Break: The True Value of Credit Ratings’ on Thursday, March 22nd at 1:00 pm ET.


Senior Living Business Interactive is published by Irving Levin Associates, Inc., founded in 1948 and the leading publisher of newsletters, reports and online data on mergers and acquisitions data in the seniors housing and health care industry. 

Please visit or call 1-800-248-1668 for more information about this interactive conference.

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