Biased Reporting, Yes, But Will It Start A Dialogue?
We all watched it, we all had different reactions to it, we all know that it was extremely biased, and we all know that we don’t want to be profiled like that on a national program. What we are talking about, of course, is the Frontline hour-long “documentary” that appeared on PBS on July 30 called, “Life and Death in Assisted Living.” First of all, the title was clearly wrong, as it never really talked about “life” in assisted living, just a few tragic episodes of death. Second, it wasn’t really about assisted living, but about Alzheimer’s care within a few assisted living communities. Third, it profiled just one company, Emeritus (NYSE: ESC), and used a few tragic cases to paint the assisted living industry in an ugly way.
How far from the truth. And speaking of the truth, while the producers did interview Rick Grimes of ALFA and Mark Parkinson of AHCA, do you think they were going to allow their side of the story to be told? About the extremely high satisfaction level in assisted living, about how this model was created as an alternative to skilled nursing to allow the elderly to have not only a better physical environment, but more freedom, more independence, and a more social environment than what had previously been the alternative……Want to read more? Click here for a free trial to The SeniorCare Investor and download the current issue today