House Speaker John Boehner has appointed Stephen Guillard to the newly created Commission to address challenges facing the long-term care sector, including issues with Medicare and Medicaid as the population ages. Guillard recently retired from HCR Manor Care and has worked in the skilled nursing sector for about 30 years. We first met him in 1987, and if anyone knows the problems and the issues, he does. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has appointed Neil Pruitt, current chairman of the American Health Care Association and also CEO of UHS-Pruitt Corporation, which is one of the largest skilled nursing operators in the Southeast.  They will only be two of the 15 commissioners, but hopefully the others will listen and learn from their industry experiences. We know, wishful thinking, and they have a mandate to come up with a “plan” in just six months. Wishful thinking again, especially if anyone thinks any action will come of it. Remember Simpson-Bowles?