The Health Care M&A Monthly: With An Eye On The Future–

Novartis Buys Alcon, Builds Eye Care In $39.0 Billion Deal Email this article to a friend     Email Editor April saw the announcement of the largest Medical Device deal ever recorded. This deal boils down in effect to the adage that it is unwise to put all of one’s...

The Health Care M&A Monthly: Merger Magic Returns–

Four Billion-Dollar Deals Jumpstart April’s M&A Market Email this article to a friend     Email Editor The magic of Merger Monday made a brief but spectacular reappearance during the second week of April, recalling those heady days when any company was considered...

The SeniorCare Investor: Occupancy And Debt Problems:

Is The Seniors Housing Industry Stronger Than It Appears? The troubled residential housing market is in the news every day, often many times every day. It’s all we talk about, but it hasn’t been what the providers have been talking about, at least, not until now. The...

The SeniorCare Investor: Senior Care M&A Still Asleep

Demand Will Return, But It Will Not Be The Same Day in and day out for the past several months (too many months for our liking), all we have heard is that the merger and acquisition market is quiet, too quiet. The real pessimists say it is dead, but our guess is that...